A politician you don’t like. A difficult customer at work. A friend acting unfriendly. When life presents us with a difficult situation, we often try to fight it. It’s not fair! This is not supposed to happen! This person can’t do that! But you shouldn’t fight against something you can’t control. Just like the weather, […]
Simple Living
Minimum Effective Level
In the medical world, the term “Minimum Effective Dose (MED)” is used to describe the minimum amount of a medicine that can be applied to have an effect. The “Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD)” is the most amount of medicine that can be applied without experiencing adverse effects. The “Therapeutic Range” of a medicine is then […]
Advice To a Friend
Have you ever tried to give needed advice to a friend? It can be a frustrating experience. Especially when you can clearly see a solution to a problem they are having. Or if it’s obvious that a behavior/mindset they hold is negatively effecting their life. Despite our attempts to help them “see the light”, most […]
Who do you think you are?
What you say about yourself matters. “I don’t like working out.” “I have a shopping problem.” “I’m not an organized person.” Who you think you are is who you become. Our beliefs about ourselves are essentially the limits of where we can go. If your internal self-talk sells you short, no amount of external motivation […]
The Justification Game
Have you ever convinced yourself that you NEED something? Justified all of the reasons in your head to determine how it’s a no-brainer that you make the purchase? The Justification Game is a game we all play. The game where we take something we want, and somehow try to justify how it’s a need. A new […]
Balancing Contentment and Drive
It’s anecdotal, but I’ve personally seen a large correlation between those seeking to live a more simple or minimal life, and those who are high-achieving individuals. What drives us to do something is often the feeling of not being where we want to be. It’s us telling ourselves that we are at point A, and […]
Anything, But Not Everything
My wife and I spend about 20 minutes at the end of each month setting and reviewing our budget for the following month. This is an exercise we have been doing for nearly 6 years now, and it’s an important part of how we operate our lives. We do the budget not so we can […]
Living Your Own Life
We are all influenced by other people. Those we associate ourselves with help shape who we are. This includes those we know personally, like family, friends, and co-workers. And it also includes those we “follow,” such as people on social media, authors, and others in the media. We learn and grow from seeing what other […]
7 Reasons Why My Daughter Is Upset
Toddlers are emotional creatures. It’s an ongoing game of whack-a-mole in dealing with flare-ups of things my daughter is upset about. But I’ve learned quickly that there are usually just a few core culprits that need to be addressed. And an interesting revelation that I’ve had as a parent is just how similar adults and […]
Should you have an Emergency Fund?
The emergency fund. It’s one of the first lessons in personal finance 101. A stack of cash that you have saved for a “rainy day.” Yes, you should have one. But there are a lot of complexities and variables in the why, how, and what of building an emergency fund. Reasons To Have An Emergency […]