Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw
Our thoughts are who we become. They are the basis of our reality.
If you are not intentional with your thoughts, you cannot live an intentional life.
Thoughts in Action
How you think about something determines how you act on it.
If we believe we are a victim, lazy, or undeserving, we will act in ways that reinforce that thinking. Alternatively, if we believe we are responsible for our lives, productive, and deserve to live a fulfilling life, we will take actions that move us in that direction.
It’s in this way that our thoughts shape our reality. Thoughts create action, and action creates reality.
Controlling Your Thoughts
How do we create the life we want? It starts with controlling our thoughts. This means we need to take control of our monkey minds. Instead of letting our thoughts drift toward negative or unfulfilling narratives, let’s shape our thoughts towards positivity and growth.
Here are some ways to control your thoughts:
Meditation – Meditation isn’t meant to control your thoughts directly but allows you to view them. A mediation habit makes you great at observing your mind in real-time. This is important, as before we can control our thoughts, we must first be able to see them.
Group Identity – As social animals, the groups we identify with significantly impact our thoughts. There are obvious groups like friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. But we also hold other identities based on affiliations like religion, education, and politics. While you can’t avoid groups altogether, you can make yourself aware of how different associations may influence your thinking.
Content Consumption – You need to be intentional in what content you consume. Understand that it is essentially programming your thoughts and powerfully shaping your worldview. This includes social media, television, books, podcasts, movies, etc.
Self-Reflection – Set aside time regularly for self-reflection. Journaling is an excellent activity that forces you to reflect on your actions, relationships, and the general trajectory of your life. As you reflect, you can see how your thoughts are evolving and how that is influencing your life.
Intentional Actions – Be intentional with your actions, as this will facilitate new ways of thinking. When we force ourselves to tie up the running shoes or eat healthy food, this carves new pathways in our minds that associate our thoughts with positive real-world results.
Powerful stuff! Thanks, James. I so enjoy your thoughts every Sunday. Keep em’ coming.
Thank you, I appreciate it!