Looking for quick inspiration to live a more simple and intentional life? Below are 21 ways to simplify your life today.
- Put the Phone Away – Set your phone down in the other room and leave it there. Break the addiction to your digital devices and learn to embrace each moment (including the boring ones).
- Thank Those Around You – We need other people in this life, express gratitude for the people (friends, family, co-workers) around you.
- Be Present – Stop worrying about what has happened, or what is yet to come. Be present and engaged with the now.
- Solve a Problem – Focus on finding solutions in your life for your problems. Frame each struggle as an opportunity to improve.
- Clean the Kitchen – Your kitchen is one of the most used rooms in your house. Give it a fresh feel with a deep clean.
- Do a Budget – Take control of your finances and do a budget for your house. Don’t let finances be a mystery anymore.
- Foster On Contentment – Appreciate what you already have. Recognize when you are lusting for materialistic goods, and consider what you already own.
- Move Your Body – We are living beings that need to exercise to be healthy. Get up, walk, run, lift weights, garden, etc,.
- Donate Unused Clothing – Tackle your closet full of clothes that you might not wear anymore. Donate unused clothing to help others, while at the same time removing clutter in your life.
- Eat Food – Do you body a favor and feed it real, whole food. Avoid fake foods made with hard to pronounce ingredients.
- Avoid The News – The news has become nothing more than bad entertainment. Improve your mood and relationship with others by avoiding it.
- Turn Off Phone Notifications – Both Android and iPhones allow you to customize your notifications. Turn off all notifications except for those most urgent, like calls or text messages.
- Go Outside – Getting fresh air and being in nature is good for you. No matter the weather, try and spend at least sometime outdoors.
- Don’t Buy Anything – Try to see how many days each month you can go without buying anything. Make today one of those days.
- Invite Friends Over For Dinner – Cook a favorite meal with the people you enjoy most in life. There are few things better than good company and good food.
- Set a Goal – Is there something you’ve been wanting to do for a while now? Commit to a realistic goal of accomplishing it.
- Donate To A Charity – Giving back is a fundamental part of being human. Find a cause you care about, and donate what you can.
- Read a Book – Pick up that book that you’ve been meaning to read. Learn a new perspective on something, or escape into a fictional world.
- Work – Do the work! Accomplish things on your to-do list around the house. Or if you are actually at your job… work!
- Let Go of Uncontrollables – How much of your current stress is caused by things that you have no control over? Let go of things that you can’t change, and focus on things that you can.
- Ask, “What do I really need?” – The best way to simplify your life is to reduce what you need from it. Spend time contemplating what you really need.
Enjoyed this James. F0und your blog by way of Joshua Becker’s Becoming Minimalist site. I agree with all of what you’ve listed here, but want to pause on reading a book. I’m not sure what types of books you read, perhaps many genres and types (fiction and non-), but I’m reading a simple yet beautiful young adult novel at the present moment I wanted to share.
It’s titled The Wild Robot, by Peter Brown. While the audience intended may be kids, as an adult (and parent), it’s just as good of a read. Check it out if you have some idle time one day.
Thanks for stopping by Jeffery! I’ll check out The Wild Robot – I have no shame enjoying some young adult novels.